Research projects
Vergänglichkeit und Ewigkeit. Konfrontationen und Verschränkungen unterschiedlicher Zeitsemantiken in mittelalterlichen Jenseitsreisen
(together with Prof. Dr. Julia Weitbrecht, Institute of German Studies at Kiel University)
Project as part of an application for a DFG research grant
(since 2018)
Medien des Heils und der Umgang mit Vergänglichkeit im 15. Jahrhundert
(together with Prof. Dr. Julia Weitbrecht, Institute of German Studies at Kiel University)
Sub-project as part of the research group application „Konzeptualisierungen menschlicher Vergänglichkeit in der Vormoderne“ at Kiel University, preliminary application submitted in March 2018
“Intersektionalität interdiziplinär” (interdisciplinary intersectionality)
(together with Prof. Dr Gabriele Lingelbach)
Course of lectures at the Collegium Philosophicum at Kiel University’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities
(since 2015)
“Heilige Heroen – Heroische Heilige. Interdependenzen, Verflechtungen und Transformationen von Leitbilddiskursen im skandinavischen Früh- und Hochmittelalter” (Holy heroes – heroic saints. Interdependency, integration and transformation of discourses on model conceptions in Early and High Medieval Scandinavia.)
Project as part of an application for a DFG research grant
(since 2015)
Heilige Heroen – Heroische Heilige (DFG Projekt)
Member of the scientific network supported by the DFG “Imitation: Mechanismen eines kulturellen Prinzips im europäischen Mittelalter” (Imitation: mechanisms of a cultural principle in the European Middle
(since 2014)
The Middle Ages - domain-specific professional competence of teachers and teacher-training degrees on offer in the BA/MA of Education (History) at Kiel University
(together with Prof. Dr Dr Gerhard Fouquet and PD Dr Gabriel Zeilinger) Historical-didactic project as part of Kiel University’s support initiative “CAU-LIB - Lehramt in Bewegung” (Teacher-training in motion)
(since 2014)
FOGEL. Forschende Geschichtslehrer/innen (Researching history teachers)
(together with Prof. Dr Nicola Brauch, Ruhr University in Bochum)
Historical-didactic project, funded by PerLe (Projekt erfolgreiches Lehren und Lernen - Project for successful teaching and learning) at Kiel University as part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s (BMBF) Quality Pact for Teaching support initiative
(since 2013)
Mediatisation of mystical experience in hagiography and vision
Project as part of the graduate school application “Mediatisation of mystical experience” at Kiel University
Non-understanding as self-reassurance. Expatriates in Italy during the Renaissance
Sub-project as part of the research group application “Anoetics - forms and achievements of non-understanding” at Kiel University
Hagiography as heroisation. Transformations and Syncretisms during the French, English, and German Early Middle Ages
(together with Prof. Dr Felix Heinzer, Department of Medieval Latin at the University of Freiburg)
Project as part of the Collaborative Research Centre 948 “Heroes - Heroizations - Heroisms” at the University of Freiburg
(July 2012 – January 2013)
The Reformation from the orthodox perspective
a) Orthodox historiography of dioceses in a Protestant city The Constance diocese chronicle of Beatus Widmer from 1527: investigation and publication
b) The Reformation in Benedictine historiography of the 18th century. Georg Doblers “Gründlich und ausführlicher Bericht” (Thorough and detailed report) from 1767: publishing, commentary and introduction (together with Prof. Dr Dietmar Schiersner, Department of History at the University of Education Weingarten)
Publishing projects, supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (2006 – 2012)
Member of the scientific network supported by the DFG “Historiographiegeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (1400–1800)” (History of historiography of the early modern era, 1400-1800) and member of the editorial committee (2004 - 2009)
Handbook on the history of historiography of the Late Middle Ages and the early modern era